Southeast Sarpy Road Network

Project Description

The Southeast Sarpy Road Network Study will guide the development of road infrastructure in southeast Sarpy County. The project covers a growing portion of Sarpy County between Capehart Road to Platteview Road, from 36th to 72nd Streets.

The goal is to develop road recommendations that prepare the area for future growth, support economic development and provides a safe, accessible transportation network that accommodates projected traffic patterns well.

In studying the area, potential routes were identified and evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Property impacts

  • Traffic flow and continuity

  • How to best support economic development

  • Environmental and natural resource impacts

  • Cost

Project Location

The project covers a growing portion of Sarpy County between Capehart Road to Platteview Road, from 36th to 72nd Streets.

The project covers a growing portion of Sarpy County between Capehart Road to Platteview Road, from 36th to 72nd Streets.

Study Recommendations

A new east-west corridor: The proposed east-west corridor would connect Fairview Road to Schneekloth Road. 

A new north-south corridor: 60th Street would serve as the primary north-south arterial road. 60th would eventually turn into 57th Street near Platteview Road. This north-south arterial would cross the new east-west Fairview/Schneekloth arterial. 

Collector roads: The below map shows collector roads to serve as connections from local streets to the arterial network. The exact paths would be determined as developments are planned and built.  

Other features: The plan also includes building out major intersections, plus add greenways, sidewalks and trails. 

Next Steps

At this stage, a final plan has not been adopted by the county or Cities of Papillion and Bellevue, so a formal design, bidding and construction schedule is not available. 

The projects would likely be funded by Sarpy County, the Cities of Papillion and Bellevue, and contributions from private development. 

A phased approach to complete the recommended alternatives is likely: 

  • 57th/60th Street from Platteview to Fairview Road 

  • 60th from Capehart Road to Fairview 

  • Schneekloth Road from 57th to 63rd 

  • Schneekloth from 36th to 48th 

  • Schneekloth from 48th to 57th 

  • Fairview from 63rd to 72nd 

Public Outreach

A public open house/informational meeting was held April 8, 2024, at the Sarpy County Board Room. The county shared information about the Southeast Sarpy County Road Network Study and route recommendations.

You can share feedback about the plan on the CONNECTSarpy homepage through April 23, 2024, to provide timely consideration.

Project Contacts

Felsburg Holt & Ullevig (FHU)
Jesse Poore | 402-438-7530

Sarpy County
Zach Hergenrader | 402-537-6917


Cornhusker Road – 204th and 216th Streets


108th Street – Mitchell to Platteview Road